Research Projects
Exploring the Experiences of Indigenous Nurses in the Co-creation of Nursing Indicators for Indigenous Health Nursing Framework

This project involves speaking with Indigenous nurses (LPNs, RNs, RPNs, NPs) who have or are currently serving local Indigenous communities, including First Nations, Métis, and Indigenous health organizational populations to share their nursing perspectives to inform the development of an Indigenous Health Nursing scope of practice framework.
Advancing Indigenous Wellness; Innovating Wise Practices for Education, Standards, Partnerships and Research (CIHR BC Indigenous Health Research Chair)

The BC Indigenous Health Nursing Research Chair (IHNR Chair) is a 5-year program of research that provides an essential foundation for the Indigenous Health Nursing scope of practice by advancing Indigenous research, co-creating opportunities aimed at improving nursing services, fostering Indigenous nurse leadership, and championing intergenerational mentorship networks. This community-based, action-oriented research of the aims to address anti-Indigenous racism in healthcare and promote health equity for Indigenous Peoples by critically examining colonial and structural conditions impacting Indigenous nursing
This project is a complex partnership between Indigenous communities, research institutions and the Indigenous nurse-led research team that works across five BC post-secondary institutions. The research team will co-create innovative educational pathways and research frameworks for Indigenous Health Nursing graduate curricula, practice, and policy.
IGEN (Indigenous Graduate Education in Nursing) Reclaiming and Recovering Indigenous knowledge in nursing.

Indigenous food sovereignty community
wellbeing amidst a pandemic. Activating
Cwelcwelt Kuc - "We are Well" through
transformational learning in a network of
community covid care - upholding a
decolonizing model to Indigenous health food sovereignty (Morrison)
This Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) funded project focuses on Indigenous food sovereignty during and after COVID-19, this community-led, Indigenous-designed research team will facilitate transformational learning and resilience building through the activation of ancestral knowledge systems, wisdom and values for superior health and well-being in the rural Neskonlith Secwepemc community (Chase/Salmon Arm, BC).
Clarifying wise practices for Indigenous cultural safety and distinction-based nursing care: rapid review of publicly available grey and peer-reviewed literature
With funding from the British Columbia Network for Indigenous Health Care Research (BCNEIHR) our Indigenous-nurse-led team of researchers is using the rapid review method to answer the question: “What are wise practices in nursing and healthcare for Indigenous people?” and clarify how wise practices are situated in relation to related concepts including cultural safety, cultural sensitivity, cultural competence, and cultural awareness.
Research Coordinator:
Kelly Davison
Indigenous Nurse-Led Practice: A Scoping Review Mapping the Factors that Contribute to Effective Indigenous Health Nursing Service Delivery
Indigenous nurses have played a central role in the delivery of healthcare services and offer a unique approach that is generated from the lived experience of genocide against Indigenous Peoples. This scoping review explores the outcomes of Indigenous nurse-led initiatives.

Research Coordinator:
Liquaa Wazni
IGEN Research in progress
Phase 1: Document analysis up to now examining context (ethics submitted)
Phase 2: Attitudes & readiness of schools
Phase 3: Evaluation of students’ experiences
Phase 4: Evaluation of Community Leadership
Phase 5: Collective Evaluation and generation of draft Indigenous Health Wellness Masrers stream

Exploring the Experiences of First Nations Mental Health and Wellness Services with Skú7pecen (Porcupine)
In responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada calls to action (2015), the In Plain Sight report (2021), and the distinct visions of St’uxwstews First Nations, the overall research aim was to determine the social, cultural, and systemic factors that influence the delivery of mental health wellness services with First Nations Peoples of St’uxwstews, Bonaparte First Nations, a rural Secwépemc community within the southern interior region of BC. Led by St’uxwstews (Secwépemc) nurse Nikki Rose Hunter-Porter the research methods were rooted within stsptekwlle, ancestral Secwepemc oral traditions and storytelling, as a way to center and uphold Secwépemc Knowledges throughout the research process. The Knowledge Translation projects will showcase Knowledge synthesis, translation and mobilization activities and events co-led by St’uxwstews (Bonaparte First Nation).