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Bourque Bearskin, R.L., Kennedy, A., Bourque, D.H., & Bourque, D.E. (in press 2023). Nursing

leadership in Indigenous health. In J. Waddell, & N. Walton (Eds.), Yoder-Wise’s, Leading and

managing in Canadian nursing (3nd ed., pp. xx-xx). Elsevier Canada.


Bourque Bearskin, M. L. B. (2023). Decolonization the what, why, and how: A treaties on Indigenous

nursing knowledge. Nursing Philosophy, e12, 430.


Bourque Bearskin, L., Phillips-Beck, W., Kennedy, A., Pepin, J., Myrick, F., Pearce Lamothe, J.,

Khazal, S. (2022). Calling Nurses to Move Forward Together in Truth and Love. Quality

Advancement in Nursing Education - Avancées en formation infirmière, 8(3).


Bourque Bearskin, R.L. Kennedy, A. & Jakubec, S. (2022) Cultural safety for Indigenous health

equity. In R. Srivastava The Canadian health care professional's guide to cultural competence (2nd ed). Elsevier


Bourque Bearskin, R. L., Kennedy, A., Kelly, L., Chakanyuka, C. (2021). Indigenist nursing: Caring

keeps us close to the source. In M., Hills, J., Watson, & C. Cara, Creating a caring

sciencecCurriculum: An emancipatorypedagogy for nursing. Springer


Bourque Bearskin, R. L., Kennedy, A., Kelly, L., C (In Press).  In M., Hills, J., Watson, & C. Cara, Creating a Caring Science Curriculum: An Emancipatory Pedagogy for Nursing. Springer: New York


Bourque Bearskin, R.L., Kennedy, A., Joseph, C. (July 2020). Nīpawīstimatowin - “Bearing witness

for one another” Editorial. [Special Issue]. Witness: The Canadian Journal of Critical Nursing

Discourse, 2,1, York University.,


Bourque Bearskin, R.L., Kennedy, A., Joseph, C. (July 2020). Editorial. [Special Issue]. Witness: The Canadian Journal of Critical Nursing Discourse, 2,1, p. xx-xx. York University; Toronto Ontario,


Bourque Bearskin, R.L., Kennedy, A., Bourque, D.H., & Bourque, D.E. (2020). Nursing leadership in Indigenous health. In P. Yode-Wise, J. Waddell, & N. Walton (Eds.), Leading and Managing in Canadian Nursing 2nd ed.


Power, T., Wilson, D., Best, O., Brockie, T., Bourque Bearskin, R. L., Millender, E. and Lowe, J. (2020), COVID-19 and Indigenous Peoples: An imperative for action. Journal Clinical Nursing. doi:10.1111/jocn.15320


Bourque Bearskin, R.L., Kennedy, A., Bourque, D.H., & Bourque, D.E. (2020). Nursing leadership


Bourque Bearskin, R.L., Kennedy, A., Bourque, D.H., & Bourque, D.E. (2020). Nursing leadership in

Indigenous health. In J. Waddell, & N. Walton (Eds.), Yoder-Wise’s, Leading and managing in

Canadian nursing (2nd ed., pp. 54-89). Elsevier Canada.


Jakubec, S., & Bourque Bearskin, (2019 in Press). Awareness, allyship, and action for decolonizing and anti-oppressive Nursing. In J. Ross-Kerr and M., Wood (Eds.). Canadian Nursing: Issues and Perspectives 6th Edition. Toronto, ON: Elsevier Mosby


Funnel, S., Tanuseputro, P., Letendre, A., Bourque Bearskin, R. L., & Walker, J., (2019). “Nothing about us without us.” How community-based participatory research methods were adapted in an Indigenous end ‑of-life study using previously collected data. Canadian Journal on Aging. doi:10.1017/S0714980819000291.


Garson, K. Dimitrov, N. & Bourque Bearskin, R.L. (2019). Editor’s Notes. [Special Issue]. New Directions in Teaching and Learning, 157, 7–12. Wiley Periodicals, Retrieved from


Carmargo Plazas, P., Cameron, B., Milford, K., Ruth Hunt, L., Bourque Bearskin, R.L., & Santos Salas, A. (2018). Engaging Indigenous youth through popular theatre: Knowledge mobilization of Indigenous Peoples’ perspective on access to healthcare services. Action Research. Retrieved from


Hart Wasekeesikaw, F., Bourque Bearskin, R.L., & McDonald, C. (2017). The Legacy of colonization for the health and well-being of Indigenous people: Towards reconciliation. Realities of Canadian Nursing Professional, Practice and Power Issues 5th ed, 64–82.


Bourque Bearskin, R.L. (2017). Knowledge makers creating knowledge and sustaining hope. Knowledge Makers, 2, 96–97.
Bourque Bearskin, R.L. (2016). Through the lens of truth and reconciliation: Next steps. Canadian Nurse, (112)2, 36.


Bourque Bearskin, R.L., Cameron, B.L., King, M., Weber-Pillwax, C., Dion Stout, M., Voyageur, E., Reid, A., Bill, L., & Martial, R. (2016) Mamawoh kamatowin “coming together to help each Other in Wellness”: Honouring Indigenous Nursing Knowledge. International Journal of Indigenous Health, (11)1, 5–19.


Bourque Bearskin, R.L. & Jakubec, S. (2016). Diversity and relational practice in community health nursing. In M., Stanhope, J., Lancaster S., Jakubec, & S., McDonald Editors (Eds.), Community Health Nursing in Canada 3rd ed., pp. 173–207). Ontario: Elsevier.


Bourque Bearskin, R.L. & Jakubec, S. (2016). Indigenous health: Working with First Nations, Inuit, and Metis Peoples. In M., Stanhope, J., Lancaster S., Jakubec, & S., McDonald (Eds.), Community Health Nursing in Canada 3rd ed, 382–410.


Stewart, M.J., Castleden, H., King, M., Letourneau, N., Masuda, J., Bourque Bearskin, R.L., Anderson, S., & Blood, R. (2015). Supporting parents of Aboriginal children with asthma: Preferences and pilot interventions. International Journal of Indigenous Health, 10(2), 131–149. Retrieved from


Stewart, M., Castleden, H., King, M., Letourneau, N., Masuda, J. R., Bourque Bearskin, R. L., Anderson, S., & Blood, R. (2015). Supporting parents of Aboriginal children with asthma: Preferences and pilot interventions. International Journal of Indigenous Health, 10(2), 132–150.


Cameron, B. Carmargo Plazas, P., Santos Salas, A., Bourque Bearskin, R.L., Hungler, K. (2014). Understanding inequalities in access to healthcare services for Aboriginal people: A call for nursing action. Advances in Nursing Science, 37(3), E1-E16. Retrieved from


Cameron, B. L., Plazas, M. D. P. C., Salas, A. S., Bourque Bearskin, R. L., & Hungler, K. (2014). Understanding Inequalities in Access to Health Care Services for Aboriginal People. Advances in Nursing Science, 37(3), E1-E16.


Rowan, M. S., Rukholm, E., Bourque Bearskin, R.L., Baker, C., Voyageur, E., & Robitaille, A. (2013). Cultural competence and cultural safety in Canadian schools of nursing: A mixed methods study. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 10(1), 1–10. Retrieved from–0043


Stewart, M., King, M., Blood, R., Letourneau, N., Masuda, J., Anderson, S., Bourque Bearskin, R.L., (2013). Health inequities experienced by Aboriginal children with respiratory problems and their parents, CJNR (Canadian Journal of Nursing Research), 45(3), 6–27. Retrieved from


Rowan, M. S., Rukholm, E., Bourque Bearskin, R.L., Baker, C., Voyageur, E., & Robitaille, A. (2013). Cultural competence and cultural safety in Canadian schools of nursing: A mixed methods study. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 10(1), 1–10. Retrieved from–0043


Stewart, M., King, M., Blood, R., Letourneau, N., Masuda, J. R., Anderson, S., & Bourque Bearskin, R. L. (2013). Health Inequities Experienced by Aboriginal Children With Respiratory Conditions and Their Parents. CJNR, 45(3), 6–27.


Rowan, M. S., Rukholm, E., Bourque Bearskin, R. L., Baker, C., Voyageur, E., & Robitaille, A. (2013). Cultural competence and cultural safety in Canadian schools of nursing: A mixed methods study. International journal of nursing education scholarship, 10(1), 1–10.

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